Contest Schedule
Blue Devils International Corps - Clinic

Blue Devils International Corps (BDI) are attending the Woking DCUK show on Saturday 4th July

As part of their visit they have offered to run a 2 hour clinic for Brass, Percussion and Guard before the event starts at 3pm (the clinic is currently scheduled to run from 12.30 to 2.30).

It is suggested the minimum age for participants is approximately 14 years old.

To help cover the cost of holding this Clinic there will be a nominal £2 per person* charge however if you are an organisation and have a number of members that would like to take part then drop us a line giving details of numbers and we can look at doing a group discount.

* A normal spectators ticket will need to have been purchased or be in possession of a marching member/staff pass to gain access to watch the clinic.  The separate £2 per person fee is charged to actually take part in the clinic 

Please complete the form below and and we will then contact you back to supply more details and also to arrange payment options.
Clinic Information (supplied by Blue Devils)
Each clinic starts with an introduction to our teachers and Blue Devils International Corps members.

We then break out into sections: brass and woodwinds, guard, percussion. The sessions are interactive, and attendees are encouraged to bring an instrument of their choice and play along with the Blue Devils International Corps members while learning various technique and warm-up exercises.

The main focus of the clinic will be to introduce best-practices for warm-up, technique development and strength. If time allows, we will teach a short routine to perform as a culminating activity. Brass and woodwinds it is usually a short chorale or Blue Devil tune, for percussion it is either a short cadence or a fun "trade fours" performance and for guard it is usually a short equipment and movement routine.

We also allow time for social interaction, autographs and photos and friendship building.

DCUK Contact Form
You can fill out the Contact Form to get in touch with DCUK to book your place or make a general enquiry re the Blue Devils Clinic on Sat 4th July 2015.

Name *  
Organisation / Corps / Guard / (put n/a if none of these) *  
Address 1  
Address 2  
County / State  
Post Code  
Email *  
Please advise how many people are interested in taking part in the Clinic plus any other information that might help  
 * Required fields  


© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2015
DCUK is a member organisation of Marching & Performing Arts United Kingdom