Contest Schedule
Registration Information

For 2010 DCUK will be operating an on-line only registration service.

Confirmation of Registration
Once you have registered you will receive confirmation, normally within 24 hours, together with details of payment dates and how payments can be made.

Class Structure
At all contests prior to Championships Finals (inc Championships Prelims) there will be one Open Class for all established Corps plus a Junior Class for feeder units to Open Class Corps.  The Junior Class will also be open to new and emerging Corps (subject to certain acceptance conditions - contact us for details).

At Championships Finals there will be 3 Classes:
Open Class, A Class and Junior Class
Following the Championships Prelims competition, Corps will be split into two classes (Open & A). Details of how the split for Open and A Class will be determined will be announced prior to the first contest of the season.

Costs and Payments
Please click here to download a PDF which advises all costs and how/when  payments can be made.

Order of Performance
The order of performance at 2010 contests will be determined by the order in which registrations are received and also by the scores obtained during the season.
For example:
Open & Junior Class -
At the first contest - the last Corps to perform will be the first Corps to register whilst the first Corps to perform will be the Corps that registered last.
Open & Junior Class - At the 2nd and subsequent contests (inc Championships prelims for Open Class and Championships Finals for Junior Class) Corps which have already competed at a previous contest will perform last in the order of their previous highest score with the final Corps to perform being the Corps with the highest score from all previous contests. Prior to this the remaining Corps will perform in the order in which they registered.
Open Class Only - At Championships Finals the Open Class Corps will be split into two classes (Open Class & A Class) and the order in each class will be determined by the scores obtained during the Prelims event earlier in the day.  Details of how the split will be determined will be announced prior to the first contest of the season.

If you require clarification or more information prior to registering please email


© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2010
DCUK is a member organisation of Marching & Performing Arts United Kingdom