Contest Schedule

DCUK Judges

Who are the DCUK Judges?
It is a service organisation, administered by Drum Corps Europe (DCE), set up to provide the best possible adjudication services for the betterment of Drum Corps that compete within DCUK and Europe as a whole.
It both supports and endeavours to contribute towards the aim of DCUK, in helping to advance the musical and visual education of young people throughout the United Kingdom.

How is the Judges administered?
The day-to-day running of the organisation is dealt with by DCE in conjunction with the DCUK Judges Liaison Officer who liases direct with the DCE Judges Caption Heads
This Liaison Officer also reports to the DCUK Board  as the Judges representative.
The cost of running the DCUK Judges is financed by DCUK through an agreement with DCE.

What type of opportunities are there?
Opportunities exist during the Summer Drum Corps season for new Judges interested in the areas of Brass, Overall Effect, Percussion, Tabulation and Visual.

Many existing Judges combine their judging responsibilities to more than one caption such as Brass & Overall Effect, Visual & Colour Guard or Tabulating.

What experience or knowledge do I need be a DCUK Judge?
For the Music and Visual related captions, a basic knowledge of Brass, Percussion or Visual, obtained from having a past involvement with a competing unit, or maybe having a current interest or participation in the music/visual arts.
For the Tabulation an ability to be both attentive and well organised, together with being numerically proficient.
Probably the most important requisite is enthusiasm and the willingness to learn.

What kind of commitment is required?
A willingness to take part in various forms of training, whether it be attending scheduled training events, getting together with one or two more experienced Judges or individually developing your own judging skills through home study reference manuals and video tapes.
Being available for a limited number of judging assignments during the Drum Corps season. Note - The majority of show dates fall on a Sunday.
The desire to want to advance your judging skills through continued self-development.

What rewards will I get out of being a DCUK Judge?
There are no financial rewards although travelling expenses are reimbursed for any Drum Corps or Winterguard shows you judge.

If your an ex-marching member, then you will most certainly be putting something back into organisation that previously gave you the opportunity to perform in.
The satisfaction of knowing that you will be helping to advance the musical and visual education of young people throughout the United Kingdom.

How do I find out more?
Initial contact should be with the DCUK Office - 0845 688 8906 or using our Contact Form or alternatively e-mail:   



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2010
DCUK is a member organisation of Marching & Performing Arts United Kingdom