Black Knights Television Debut

A number of members and staff from the Black Knights Drum and Bugle Corps recently spent an entire day filming for a BBC comedy programme which is being broadcast this week.

The members travelled to Guildford in the first week of December to film at an airfield where the filming of Top Gear also takes place - much to the excitement of the male members who saw some apparently amazing cars whilst there!

The filming was for a comedy programme called Comedy Shuffle which is shown on BBC3 and particularly for a segment by an Australian comedian called Tim Minchin. Members of the Corps were also joined by various other extras and about 25 dancers plus Tim himself for a spoof music video.

A fantastic day was had by all and a really different and enjoyable experience which we hope to repeat with other projects later this year.

You can catch the particular programme Comedy Shuffle in which we feature on BBC 3 on Thursday 1st February 2007 at 11pm.



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004