Stafford Lancers Perform Live at NIA

Stafford Lancers appeared live at the National Indoor Arena, Birmingham in from of over 7,000 delegates at the National Kleeneze Summer Sales Conference June 2007.

It was another early start for the Corps setting out at 6.30am to get to the NIA by 8.00am where we was promptly escorted to our changing rooms before beginning rehearsals in the empty arena.

Then it was time to relax with drinks and bacon butties provided by the organisers for everyone before getting changed and ready for the opening part of the Conference in which Lancers were taking part.

All together our spot lasted for 10 minutes including marching onto the floor with the drums beating out the rhythm to we will rock you which had everyone clapping along. Plus the opening number from our 2007 programme followed by a march around the arena floor followed by around a hundred award winners from Kleeenze.

Corps Director Dave Milton said “We had a wonderful reception and it was an amazing experience for our members, performing in front of several thousand members of the public on such a stage. The booking as well as being a fantastic fundraiser for the organisation helps raise our profile and we will be looking to perform at more such events in the future” 

The Director of the production agents BEY stated that” We engaged the Stafford Lancers as part of an Olympic Style Opening Ceremony for our clients Kleeneze. This was voted by delegates as one of the top three elements of the entire day, The Lancers performance was brilliant and exactly what we were looking for”.

A video of part of Stafford Lancers performance can be found on YouTube by following this link:



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004