Buccaneers & Sunrisers are DCA 07 Champions 

The Reading Buccaneers completed their 3rd consecutive undefeated season tonight by winning the Open Class title with a score of 98.313, just a few tenths shy of the all-time DCA record high score. The Sunrisers captured the Class A crown scoring 83.988, moving up from second place in prelims.

A snafu occurred when the color guard scores were announced incorrectly. The visual composite scores were sent to the announcer instead of the guard scores. The high guard score in Class A belongs to the Govenaires, and the Bushwackers in Open Class. Our apologies for the mixup!

The Sunrisers and Buccaneers were presented with the 2007 DCA Championship flag, restoring a tradition that was discontinued many years ago. The flags are emblazoned with the Rochester '07 logo, designed for DCA by Jeff Zehner. 

Congratulations to the Sunrisers, Buccaneers, and all our competitors for making 2007 a memorable season!

And a special thank you to all of our volunteers, who worked tirelessly during our 3-day event, and to YOU, our fans; the reason why we do it at all! 

For more details re DCA go to http://www.dcacorps.org



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004