Preparations underway for DCE UK Power Regional 08

Preparations are now well underway for first ever DCE Power Regional to be staged in the UK. In association with BYBA and DCUK, the event will take place on Saturday June 21st 2008 in a London stadium, details of which will be announced next weekend.

The show will not only include BYBA and DCUK units, as a number of Dutch, German and French Corps have already expressed an interest in attending the event, giving it truly European flavour. A meeting will be held next weekend at the Jubal Corps headquarters in Dordrecht (just outside Rotterdam) in which DCE officials will meet with representatives of some of the continental Bands and Corps who are considering travelling to London. A webpage will be set up on the DCE site listing all the details for the show and will be updated as arrangements are finalised.

DCE Secretary Marco Janssen said “Now that we have secured a good venue for the show, we can really get to work on the detail. I know there is a good deal of interest on this side of the channel from groups who are looking to enter, and once we announce the details I think this will increase still further. I would like to thank both BYBA and DCUK for their help and hard work so far, and between us I am sure that we will make this first Power Regional a day to remember.”

As usual with DCE Regional events, entry is open to all Bands and Corps regardless of national affiliation. For further information on the show please contact DCE Project Manager Andy Hewlett at or on 07717 858585.




© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004