DCE Power Regional in Crystal Palace

The DCE Power Regional to take place on Saturday 21st June 2008 will be held in the prestigious Crystal Palace Athletics Stadium in London. This has been announced by Drum Corps Europe.

The Crystal Palace Athletics Stadium is the most important stadium in teh United Kingdom for (international) athletic events. The stadium is located in Crystal Palace Park, which offers participating corps plenty of space for warm ups and rehearsals.

The rear stand of the stadium (the 'Jubilee Stand'), which has a capacity of around 2,000 seats, will serve as the main stand for the DCE Power Regional. This stand is closer to the field than the main stand. There is a running track around the pitch, but by placing the staging area on the running track, the distance to the stand can be decreased.

"We are delighted to have found such a wonderful stadium in such a world city", says Marcel Matthijsse, Chairman of Drum Corps Europe. 
"It is a true 'drum corps location' with fantastic surroundings, situated in a beautiful park. These are all the ingredients we need to make a fantastic European drum corps event possible."

A special section will soon be launched on the DCE website containing more information on the DCE Power Regional. Registration will also then begin.




© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004