Tony Humphreys - A Tribute

As the DCUK Chairman at the time that Tony served as Treasurer I felt that I would like to pay tribute to the unstinting service he gave to the Drum Corps activity. It was during the dark days of 1987 when DCUK was on its knees and crippled with huge financial problems that he became an important part of the new regime. At that time many would have avoided taking on the role of Treasurer but Tony was committed to the activity and gave his all towards ensuring not only the financial future but also the future development of the activity. Tony was hugely dedicated to the work and spent countless hours to put the activity on a firm financial base. 

"The heading on the DCUK website says "Tony Humphreys R.I.P". I take this to mean "rest in peace" but I would say "Tony Humphreys R.I.P - Really important person" - To the Drum Corps activity in the late 1980's he certainly was."

His contribution was huge and I was privileged to work closely alongside him during those difficult days. I have the utmost respect for the work he did to ensure DCUK's survival. The whole activity owes him a huge debt of gratitude. 

John Garton - DCUK Vice President



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004