Black Knights Newsletter bring to you the latest news from the Black Knights Drum and Bugle Corps.


We here at the Black Knights Development Team have been working extremely hard on broadening the knowledge people have of The Black Knights and The Drum Corps activity as a whole.

One of the ventures we have recently embarked upon is the setting up of an electronic newsletter of which the first edition is soon to be issued.

We currently have over 100 people signed up to the newsletter but know there are hundreds more out there that are not.

If you would like to receive this new and exciting newsletter from the Black Knights then why not sign up right here right now.

All you have to do is send a simple email to with the subject ‘Join’ and that’s it.

The newletter is packed full of information! It will tell you where and when BK will be perfoming in the future, it keeps you upto date on the latest goings on in BK and you can find out what exciting new projects the corps is undertaking.

So why not give it a go.

Kind Regards

Matthew Link

BKBugle Editor


© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004