DCUK Championships - Draft Timetable and Ticket Sales

A draft timetable for the 2009 British Drum Corps Championships is now on-line via the Championships contests page of this website.  Please note this is still in draft format and is subject to change - although to be honest any changea should be fairly minor! 

We are also pleased to advise that the Championships Box Office will open at 10am on Wednesday 29th July with online orders being accepted from the DCUK website (via Paypal) plus an order form will also be available for postal ordering. 

Ticket prices will range from £10 to £15 with the opportunity for under 13's to gain entrance for free. We apologise for the slight delay in opening the Box Office but with the change of venue we had some logistical work to complete before being able to commence any sales. Thank you for your patience.


28th July 2009



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004