Spirit of Coventry looking for staff

Sprit of Coventry are enquiring to see if there is anyone in the Midlands area that would like to teach/instruct for 2010. Over the last 3 months Spirit has recruited and grown its membership and currently have 15 Percussion, 22 Brass, 12 Guard, 12 Front Line and 1 DM and have approximately 60% Rookies and 40% experienced membership.

They have mixed abilities on all sections but need help to make it work. Maybe you are marching a senior Corps and could help occasionally or maybe you have hung up your marching shoes! Either way get in touch no matter how small a contribution you feel you could make.

Their 2010 show is Lennon and McCartney and they especially need Drum Staff and Guard Staff call 07901 524748 or email corpsdirector@spiritofcoventry.com


9th October 2009



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