2012 Together - Marching Youth Music

Press Release by The British Federation of Youth Marching Band Organisations 

Can we do it ? Yes We can!
(With apologies to President Obama and Bob the Builder!)

After consultation with its member organisations and all of the bands on its data base, the Federation, with the essential support of everyone in the activity, is to proceed with ambitious initiatives for 2010

Whilst also providing unique opportunities for bands and their young members, the focus of this years main project ‘2012 Together’ is to try our best to make sure the Ceremony Team for the London Olympics see what we can do – and this year is when this key team will be drafting plans for the many Ceremonies of London’s Olympics and Paralympics.

July 23rd – 24th is the third annual Olympic Open Week-end. Being accepted as part of this national programme means we become an official part of the two year countdown with its associated benefits.

So, on Saturday July 24th at 11.00am we are aiming to get 2012 members of Bands and Guards to simultaneously perform in a prominent location in their area. Bands are asked to select an upbeat/celebratory piece of music to perform. Acceptance on the Open Weekend means that we have to involve our audience – so we are suggesting a following workshop for watching youngsters where bands and guards might recruit additional members. Also, to involve adults, they might be invited to conduct or lead ? Maybe local Mayors could be invited to take the baton for a photo opportunity ???

Later in the year we will focus on London where the Olympic decision makers are based. The promotion of our capital City is also a major aim of the 2012 Olympics, so we need to be part of this.

We want to parade a band of 100+ in The Lord Mayors Show on November 13th and in the New Years Day Parade. Whole bands or Guards can’t always take part in these major events, but this gives an opportunity for small groups from bands to take part. Lots of issues here to resolve, but this is an important trial so the Federation has confidence in pursuing our involvement in the 2012 ceremonies.

Jim Vaughan of The Federation adds “ Of course there is no guarantee that we will get invited to perform in the 2012 ceremonies, but we don’t want to get to August of that year, watch it all unfurl on TV, and regret that we never tried our best to be part of it. If we succeed, then it will be the experience of a lifetime for all of the activity’s young members who take part”

The Federation need to know by MARCH 31st if bands, guards or small groups of members want to take part in one or both of these 2010 initiatives. 

Provisional details have been sent to all 14 of the Federation’s member organisations and to bands on its data base. Contact marchbands@aol.com for a copy.

4th March 2010



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2010