2012 - The Big Ideas Go Live

Press Release by British Federation of Youth Marching Band Organisations

Big Idea 1. London 2012’s ‘Olympic Open Weekend’ has accepted our ‘Together 2012’ plans to get 2,012 band members playing simultaneously at 11.00 am on Saturday July 24th.

Now we are registered, WE HAVE TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN, as it is perhaps the single most high profile public event that the activity has organised for many years. Many in the activity bemoan the fact that we don’t get the recognition we deserve – now is YOUR chance to put that right !

IT WON’T HAPPEN unless YOU and YOUR BAND take part. We have 561 members registered to take part so far. Bands already signed up include the 1st Sawston GB&BB who will be on camp, so members will take their instruments and perform in a field somewhere; Concord from Sheffield have been asked to meet their Council to arrange details; Kingston & Malden Scouts who will link up with Surbiton RBL and the 1st Hook to do something jointly; the 3rd Davyhulme Scouts are to perform at 11.00 before an afternoon gig, and Eastern Spirit intend to get their local MP and Civic team involved.

This is a great chance for the whole activity to raise our national profile, get noticed by the London Olympic organisers, and at the same time provide individual bands with local recruitment and promotional opportunities supported by a national high profile event. Because it will appear on the Olympic diary and have backing from London 2012’s media team, we are very hopeful of getting good coverage. Not guaranteed, but our best opportunity for years - HOWEVER, WE CLEARLY NEED MORE BANDS TO MAKE THIS WORK .

P.L.E.A.S.E. sign up for this major initiative. We know school holidays will have just started, but not everyone goes on holiday this week-end and hundreds of other music groups took part in last years Olympic Open Week-end. Some of your unit might be missing, but small ensembles are welcome participants. Send details to marchbands@aol.com

Big Idea 2 – We will be parading a Big Band for London’s New Years Day Parade.

Response from bands has been good. We are only a few members short of our target to parade a combined band of 100+ for the 25th anniversary New Years Day Parade on January 1st 2011 – the next New Years Day ! Whilst many bands can find it difficult to field a full band for this prestigious international event, our aim is to get smaller groups together to give them this opportunity. What an experience for your young members - to parade in a 100+ strong band at an event that has international TV coverage, an audience of 500,000 and London Olympic organisers and major London based policy makers as significant guests. 

As described in the earlier e mail, individuals will need to supply black trousers and black shoes and we will supply tops – and there will be just one full day centrally located rehearsal in November. Music will be scored so that as many young people as possible can take part, and this will be circulated mid-year so there is plenty of time for members to learn it.

Don’t keep this to yourself, please share it with your members and parents. We are sure some will really like to be part of this. We need to know names and instrumentation a.s.a.p. so we can begin to select and arrange the music. As you appreciate, we expect that once members have expressed their interest to take part, then they acknowledge that this is a real commitment.

Send to marchbands@aol.com

14th April 2010



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