2,012 Together - 24th July 2010

Press Release by British Federation of Youth Marching Band Organisations

2,012 togetherAs a registered event in this year’s Olympic Open Weekend, we hope that 2,012 band and guard members all over the country will perform simultaneously at 11.00 on Saturday July 24th. This is a great opportunity to raise the whole activity’s profile.

As this event is part of the Olympic weekend, we will benefit from London 2012’s media blitz - but to be successful we need everyone to do their best to take part

Since launching this idea late last year we have over 700 band members signed up. We urgently need YOUR BAND to be part of this. A small ensemble can perform if your whole band can’t be mustered. Be creative ! We already have a band taking its bugles to camp, several who are working with their local Councils for prominent show sites, and a drum line that will take sticks to anything static on their ferry as they head for a European tour. 

We would all like to see Youth Marching Bands involved in London’s Olympic Ceremonies in 2012. This event will bring us to the attention of key organisers, but only if it is successful. PLEASE make a special effort to be part of 2012 Together on July 24th. Send your estimated band numbers and likely venue to marchbands@aol.com. To benefit from advance publicity, let the Federation know by June 14th. Don’t leave it to others, be part of this huge event.

19th May 2010



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