Band GB - New Years Day 2011

Press Release by British Federation of Youth Marching Band Organisations

Band GBAt 12.00 noon on the next New Years Day ‘Band GB’ will strike up their first note in London’s 25th anniversary New Years Day Parade. YOUR BAND COULD BE PART OF THIS. Band GB will be a combined unit from different bands representing the UK activity. Many bands can’t commit all members to this event so this is an opportunity for some of your band to take part in this very high profile parade – 500,000 street audience and millions of worldwide TV viewers. We have 75 members signed up to date, but are aiming for 50 more ! 

Two classic celebratory pieces will be played, the scores for which will be arranged to include all instrumentation. Music will be distributed during August and there will be one full-day rehearsal near London in the autumn. This is another ‘Marching 2012’ initiative to raise the whole activity’s profile, provide a unique experience for young band members, and show how successful we can be when working together. Contact the Federation on


19th May 2010



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