DCE reveals new logo

Press Release by Drum Corps Europe

DCE new logoDrum Corps Europe has introduced a new logo. The well-known three letters have received a full makeover to mark the 10th anniversary of DCE. The new logo was designed by artist Peter Franken.

In recent months, many designs have been reviewed. Peter Franken introduced several surprising creations where the letters were sometimes entirely revamped. Eventually the DCE management team, with Peter's input, chose to restyle the existing logo.

"In most thriving companies and organisations, logos are usually simply modernised. Only when a company or organisation goes into a different direction or makes a new start, the logo will undergo a more rigorous change", says Franken. "As DCE is a good and reliable organisation with no major policy changes in the pipeline, it seemed more sensible to modernise the current logo."

Peter believes power lies in simplicity. "I have chosen to add colour to the logo and place a strong shape behind it," says Franken. "It is often difficult to keep things simple, but this logo is widely applicable.

DCE is very pleased with the results. "The familiar logo features in the new one, but the fresh new colours and the circle around it makes it a lot stronger," states PR manager Dennis Naaktgeboren. "This is a nice, professional logo which DCE is happy to be represented by."

The old logo will now be gradually replaced by the new one in all DCE communications.

2nd June 2010



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