University of North Texas (USA) performs at IPE Championships

Press Release by Indoor Percussion Europe

The University of North Texas (UNT) Indoor Drum Line from Denton, Texas (USA) is proud to announce that they will be travelling to Europe in March of 2011 to represent the U.S. indoor percussion community in both clinics and performances. This incredible opportunity would not be possible without the support of Dynasty USA, Innovative Percussion, Zildjian, Remo and Muremo Music in Europe. On the European continent Mr. Jean Paul Ratajczek from Muremo Music will function as the liaison for their stay and performances in the indoor circuit. 

UNT will be performing their 2011 production, "Metamorphisis” featuring music based on compositions by Ginastera, Bartok and Debussy. The UNT Indoor Drum Line consists of 35 UNT college percussionists directed by Professor Paul Rennick. This ensemble has won the Percussive Arts Society International College Indoor Drum Line Competition 16 times and has performed throughout the United States for many percussion festivals and music conventions. 

The staff and members of UNT are committed to bring the audiences in Europe an incredible experience with both performance and education. UNT is honoured to have this opportunity for our staff and members and is incredibly grateful for the generous support from all of our sponsors. 

Want to see the level of performance of UNT?  Please watch some great UNT videos via the IPE website.

IPE also report they only have 3 spots now available for their Championships so any unit wanting take part should get in contact NOW!


18th October 2010



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2010