Kidsgrove Scouts announce future plans

Press Release by Kidsgrove Scouts

The first rehearsal for the 2011 Senior Drum Corps took place on Sunday 28th November, what a wonderful start to the 2nd Century of Kidsgrove Scouts. The corps is looking stronger than 2010 with many members returning, old faces rejoining the corps and new faces being welcomed into the organization for the first time. The corps will almost certainly be bigger than last year in all sections with the drumline already full with 9 snares, 4 tenors, 5 basses. 

On Saturday evening, 27th November, Kidsgrove Scouts Celebrated the successes of all the drum corps & winterguard units during the 2010 season, a great night to mark a wonderful 100th year anniversary. 

During the evening many exciting new developments were announced, click here to find out one major development, more details and plans for 2011 and beyond will be announced in the near future.

30th November 2010



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