6th Hove Scouts D&B Corps break away

Press Release by The 6th

After months of discussion, it can be confirmed that the current 2010 Division 1 BYBA Champions and DCUK finalists, 6th Hove Scouts Drum & Bugle Corps, as we know it, will not be competing for the foreseeable future. Corps Director, Phil Clegg, has resigned his position, along with his loyal staff and has now successfully negotiated taking over the charity that is currently known as Southern Aurora, who's remaining management have welcomed Phil with open arms. Essentially Phil will be forming a new independent unit, who will perform under a new name - currently a working title of "The 6th".

In making this announcement Phil said "Breaking away from the Scout Association was an incredibly hard decision to make and has taken a lot of soul searching. Unfortunately "mainly" due to changes in the scouting regional staff structure, the Corps had no choice other than to break away from the Association. The new Corps are very proud of their roots and will continue to develop the identity they have worked so hard for in recent years, to this end very little will change for the spectator."

Phil leaves behind a fully functioning Cadet unit, who will now essentially continue as 6th Hove Scouts D&B Corps.

Phil and the staff and those members that have decided to move across to the new venture, are very excited at what the future holds and look forward to competing in

A huge thank you to all those in the marching arts community that have shown Phil tremendous support at this difficult time, the offers of help have simply been over
whelming. Thank you.

15th December 2010



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2010