Senators Appear with
The six time DCUK British Champion Drum Corps, The Senators from Eastleigh, Hampshire are pleased to report that six members of their brass section travelled to London late on Tuesday evening 5th October for an overnight pop promo video shoot for the chart topping band KEANE. KEANE were recording the video for ‘This Is The Last Time’, set for release on November 22.
The six brass members (Matt Daly, Nick Hale, Paul Brakewell, Dale Edwards Mark Abbott and Luke Hogkinson) arrived in London’s Brick Lane E1 at 10.00pm where shooting of the video was in full swing. During a break in filming the Senators members were introduced to other members of the cast and briefly met the members of the band.
At around midnight Keane along with the whole cast and crew upped sticks to move on to the next location which was the Lloyds Building in the City of London. This Location saw Keane performing with members of The Rocky Horror Picture Show cast along with many extras who were avid fans of the band and who had travelled from all over the UK to appear on the bands video.
At around 4.00am it was off to the next location (Queens Walk by Tower Bridge). This was the location where the Senators were to perform with the bands lead singer. Set on a one metre high concrete plinth overlooking the Thames and with Tower Bridge in the background the Senators performed a slick marching display while the bands singer sang the songs chorus. In all around 12 takes of the chorus were shot from varying angles and differing lighting set ups.
Shooting for the Senators concluded at 5.15am. They were then transported back to the Brick Lane site to prepare for a debrief and the journey home while the band, remaining cast and crew moved on to the final location at London Waterloo.
The Six members arrived back in Eastleigh at 7.00am Wednesday morning very blurry eyed due to the whole nights sleep depravation. There was a sense of satisfaction that they had remained focused and patient for long periods while waiting to be called to the spotlight and a real pride in their ability to step in front of the camera when it mattered and do the business.
When asked about the why the Senators had agreed to take part in the shoot so early after arriving back from an exhaustive five day rehearsal camp and performing at the DCUK British Championships in Mansfield in the early hours of Monday 4th October, The Senators Executive Director Joe Fitzpatrick commented.
“The opportunity of performing with such a high profile band such as KEANE was too much of a draw. Such events are a perfect fit with the Corps philosophy of ensuring our members are given opportunities to showcase their talents to as wide an audience base as possible. Should the footage not end up on the cutting room floor it will not only raise the profile of the Senators but the Drum Corps and Marching Band activity as a whole. Every time we can get our young people into the public spotlight, Marching bands and Drums Corps will become a hipper and cooler thing to be in and may just encourage young people to seek out their local marching band.
The Senators are currently working on some truly ground breaking initiatives which will further push the profile of youth marching music to a mainstream mass market audience which will further help raise the marketability of Drum Corps and Marching Bands in the UK”.
For further Information on The Senators please visit us at www.senators.org.uk