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Beeches 2012 - Show Announcement

Press Release by Beeches Performance Ensemble

Following on from the successful 2011 season which saw the corps crowned BYBA Division 2 National Champions, Beeches Performance Ensemble is proud to present “INTO YOUR SOUL”; a journey of self discovery into our inner selves.

INTO YOUR SOUL takes us through a journey of finding who we really are inside, and finding the inner strength and mortality to change, to become who we truly can be.

Jay Howard, Beeches Show Co-ordinator explains: “Our story is guided by our own reflections of experiences we have already been through, that shape the person we are and the person we could be. Our main character will lead you through from a difficult time in their life, a point where they are lost, and need saving. Each part in our show takes the audience through a stage in self discovery, as we explore what it means to really explore the emotional and spiritual core of us all. It's in essence the age old Good vs. Evil, but with both of those entities being your own. This concept is a fantastic exploration from what Beeches achieved in 2011, and 2012 will see us pushing our creative side further, as well as exploring both a contemporary and classic mix of music choices.”

The entire staff team from 2011 will be returning for the forthcoming season, as well as the addition of Mark Bolton as Visual Designer to the creative team. Director Andrew Dallison added “It is a very exciting time for Beeches, and with Mark Bolton on board the creative team, 2012 is set to be a fantastic season!” Anyone wishing to find out further information about the corps should contact Andrew Dallison, Director

Beeches 2012 invite you all to; Look into your Soul… now tell me… what do you see?


29th November 2011



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