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Dave Loader

I regret to announce that Dave Loader passed away peacefully during the early hours of 23 December 2011. All our thoughts, love and prayers are with Dave’s family during this sad time.

It is with both a heavy heart and immense hope for the future that I write as Chairman of the organisation that Dave founded all those years ago in 1973. A heavy heart because we have all lost a truly inspirational leader, friend and confidante as well as role model. Someone who has given over 460 of us that marched through the ranks of the band since 1973 guidance and a sense of achievement. Something that so many of us have taken into our personal lives and affected the way that we are.

When people come along and touch so many lives in that way they really can be called great. Dave was a ‘great’ ambassador to us and for us for so many years. He was truly a 'great' Man and we will miss him terribly.

Not only did he found the band, he also, along with Johnny Johnson and Glenn Carter, founded the British Youth Band Association in 1974. He went on to organise the largest gathering of marching bands the World had ever seen for the 1977 Silver Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen with over 130 bands marching past Buckingham Palace.

But it wasn’t just band matters that Dave led and guided us on. He was as instrumental in all parts of our external to band lives as he was within it. He secured me my first job as an example, as he had done for so many, as well as bailing us out of so many situations that as young men we used to find ourselves in (those who he helped there will know exactly what I mean :-) ).

Dave had been kept up to date with all developments of the relaunch of Thurrock Marching Brass, and was absolutely thrilled to see and hear all the kids and Darren’s staff play carols for him at his care home on Wednesday (21 December). It was a very special moment for us all as this was the first time Dave had seen the kids in their uniforms. His message of gratitude was very clear and he was extremely proud to see the band reformed and going well.

There will be so many messages of sympathy for Dave’s sad passing, but I would like us all to remember the very many great things that he achieved, and that he got us all to achieve. 

Enjoy your re-unite with Bett Dave. We will continue to march forwards and never look back.

Dave's funeral is set for Friday 6 January 2012, with the ceremony commencing at 4pm. The address is as follows:

South Essex Crematorium, Ockendon Road, Corbets Tey, Upminster, Essex, RM14 2UY

The family have welcomed all who would like to come and pay their respects. 

Flowers to 67 South Road, South Ockendon, Essex, RM15 6NS or donations to the collection plate provided at the Crematorium will go to the Royal British Legion.

Messages can be passed through to the family via Paul Morgan at

Paul Morgan
Thurrock Marching Brass


3rd January 2012



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