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Concord 2012 - “Strife on the Ocean Wave”



(“Strife on the Ocean Wave”) 

Ahoy there me hearties and landlubbers alike. Climb aboard your man o’ war, find your sea legs and avast behind. For their 2012 show programme, Concord AllStars of Sheffield are taking the theme of the conflict through the ages between the good guys and the bad guys of the Spanish Main. 

Opening with a bold statement of “Rule Britannia” representing the dominance of the matelots of the Royal Navy, we move onto an atmospheric and upbeat version of “Smoke on the Water” to indicate the constant presence of hostilities as the two sides attempt to control the seas and capture the doubloons. 

We next introduce that most hapless of pirates “Captain Pugwash” for the percussion to showcase their talents in his signature shanty before the Bluejackets return to strike a further pose with “British Grenadiers”. 

Finally we give the stage over to that infamous crowd of bilge rats and buccaneers “The Pirates of the Caribbean” for a swashbuckling finale. Who will walk the plank and end up in Davy Jones’ locker and who will walk away with pieces of eight ? Will anyone take the Black Spot or feel the cat o’ nine tails ? 

So batten down the hatches and shiver me timbers, you scurvy dogs. Hoist the Red Duster and the Jolly Roger and splice the mainbrace. 

What about the Barnacles ? Well you’ll have to scrape your bottoms for those ! 

Yo, Ho, Ho !


10th February 2012



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