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DCUK announce draft contest dates for 2013


Drum Corps United Kingdom are pleased to make their initial announcement regarding contest dates for the 2013 season.

For the three seasons prior to 2012 DCUK had held three shows during the summer plus the British Drum Corps Championships but in 2012 this was increased to 4 and as each show was well attended by both Corps and spectators it has been agreed to continue with this number and therefore the draft dates for 2013 are:

Sunday 16th June - prefer midlands or north venue
Sunday 30th June - prefer south or maybe south midlands venue
Sunday 14th July - prefer north or maybe north midlands venue
Sunday 8th September - prefer midland/south midlands venue
Saturday 21st September - 34th DCUK British Drum Corps Championships

Whilst preference may be given to DCUK Member Corps, bids are now welcomed from anyone wishing to be considered to run a DCUK contest next season and potential hosts should initially email where you will be contacted back to discuss your bid in further detail. 

It would be extremely helpful if initial bids could be received by 31st October to enable these to be discussed by the DCUK Board and then presented at the Membership Meeting on 3rd November. This will then allow the Board to finalise the schedule ready for when registrations open in December.

15th October 2012



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2012
DCUK is a member organisation of Marching & Performing Arts United Kingdom