Yorkshire Freemasons help Revolution
Press Release by Revolution
Show Corps
Yorkshire Freemasons were represented again at this year’s Great Yorkshire Show, and the weather couldn’t have been better. Freemasons from the Masonic Provinces of Yorkshire, North and East Riding, and Yorkshire, West Riding, spoke to hundreds of interested members of the public about Freemasonry, it’s history, and it’s place in today’s society.
On the last day, representatives from the Queensbury Scout Band (Revolution Showcorps ) spent the day on the Stand after receiving a Major Grant from the PGM’s Fund of £20,000. The Grant will be used to purchase new instruments and a vehicle. Scouting has had a long association with Freemasonry, in fact Baden-Powell was a Freemason.

Photo L to R
Andrew Brown of Rokeby Lodge
David Pratt APGM for Yorkshire West Riding
Mrs Cynthia Lightowlers Vice President of Bradford South District Scout Council
Mr Peter Lightowlers President of Bradford South District Scout Council
Mr Oliver Richardson Band Director of the Revolution Showcorps
Mr Neill Smith Master of Rokeby Lodge
TLC Teddy
20th August 2013