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UK Fan Network - It's What You've Been Waiting For!


Marching and Performing Arts UK (MPA:UK) is pleased and proud to announce the launch of the UK Fan Network featuring videos from Drum Corps United Kingdom (DCUK) and Winter Guard United Kingdom (WGUK) Championships.

Currently over 200 performances are available to access (DCUK 1984 to 1996 plus 2012 and WGUK 2010 to 2012) and over the coming months further videos will be added – not only archive videos but also performances within 48 hours of a show with live feeds of shows being a future feature being considered.

Subscriptions cost no more than £18.00 (less than the cost of one DVD) and last for up to 12 months with an annual renewal date of 1st December, however, if you sign up now (or any time before 1st December 2013 then you will get unlimited access right through to the end of November 2014 (up to 14 months for the price of 12). 

The UK Fan Network is a joint partnership between MPA:UK and Drum Corps International (DCI) and our thanks to Dan Acheson and Rich Trotman from DCI for their help and support over the past few months whilst we have been setting this project up.

Alan Thompson, MPA:UK Chairman commented “It has been a dream of mine for the past 6 to 7 years to be able to make what we do more accessible and we looked at numerous options with The Fan Network coming out head and shoulders above any other. We know lots of people within our activity have used the DCI, WGI and/or DCA Fan Networks and these all use the same tried and tested technology so it made huge sense to join this illustrious ensemble of marching arts organisations to help us promote the activity in the UK.”

The UK Fan Network Manager, Lee Court, also stated “This is such a great platform to showcase the past 34 years of our activity and after a year of working on this project I am so pleased we are now able to release to the public”.

MPA:UK would like to pass on our thanks to Jim Vaughan and the Trustees of the recently closed British Federation of Youth Marching Band Organisations for their kind donation which has funded the setup costs for this venture and enabled us to launch our Fan Network much earlier than anticipated.

Sign up now at – It’s What You’ve Been Waiting For!


19th September 2013



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2013
DCUK is a member organisation of Marching & Performing Arts United Kingdom