Reflexions Winterguard Preview Show

Reflexions Academy are pleased to announce the return of their preview show.
This will be held on Saturday January 8th and will be a late afternoon/early evening informal show, run for the guards to get together and support each other.  It will also be attended by judges who will be holding their own seminar in the area that weekend.

We will follow the show with a bar and music and if this goes as well as it
used to it will be a great start to the season.

If you are interested in attending please contact Karen  01273-549261 or email  places will be limited.  We are willing to help with hall hires / accommodation should you wish to come for the weekend.

This is a brilliant chance to get your show out there pre season on a full
sized arena with an audience and to get some feed back and is open to guards and audience members that have prebooked only, so please reply a.s.a.p.








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