The Company win the DCE Championships
Press Release by Drum Corps
The Company are the winners of the DCE European Championships this year. The Corps from Nottingham (UK) dethroned Jubal Drum & Bugle Corps from Dordrecht in the Parkstad Limburg Stadium. The reigning European and Dutch champions had to settle for third place in these European Championships. The Kidsgrove Scouts took silver. In the juniors there was a Dutch party. Youth Corps Jong Jubal did win the title there.

Photo: Drum
Corps Media
The DCE Championships were of an unprecedented level this year. More than 2500 people in the audience enjoyed high level top shows. In the Prelims, the level between the top three in particular proved incredibly small. The Kidsgrove Scouts, Jubal and The Company ended within just two tenths of each other, with Kidsgrove in the lead at that time. In the finale all corps took it one step further.
What was also very notable this year was the tremendous innovation. “Corps even used singers and DJs to make the show all the more spectacular,” said President Marcel Matthijsse of contest organisation DCE. “This really is the Champions League of corps music. Participants have a strong urge to innovate, making the activity increasingly attractive.”
The Junior Class shows a great deal of promise for the future. Jong Jubal came first with a strong show, but the other five participants also showed unprecedented talent at a young age.
29th September 2014