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Drum Corps World looking for reporters & photographers



The United States-based electronic magazine Drum Corps World is hoping to expand coverage of European competitions in the DCUK, BYBA and DCEurope circuits this season and into the future. In the past there have generally been only reports on the season-ending championships, but readers worldwide are interested in events leading up to the final competition.

We are looking for writers to submit one or perhaps two articles describing the venue, crowd, atmosphere and the performances of each participating group, including numbers in each section, uniform descriptions, visual highlights and music played. We want to see positive reviews that describe the productions, rather than a list of people and tunes.

You can go here to see examples of regular-season coverage that appeared in an issue last summer for examples of what we are looking to include in the eight summer editions. The issue contains a report on a DCUK show and a press release about Thurrock Marching Brass so you can the type of material we are pleased to include during the season.

It isn’t necessary to have any journalism background, simply a desire to publicize the European corps and bands to the 30,000+ readers of our publication in about 60 foreign countries around the world. We will make any changes to text to ensure the article reads smoothly, so your report doesn’t need to be “professional” or perfect!

In addition, we would like to also receive a selection of photographs of the units that compete in BYBA, DCUK and DCEurope. We prefer close-ups showing an individual or small number of members performing, showing their intensity, passion and excitement to be in front of a crowd of fans. The specifications for submission of electronic images includes keeping the file size to around 1MB, sent to us in JPG format, identified in this way —

The Company percussion #1 16 WSmith

This represents the name, section, image #, two-digit year and the first initial and last name of the photographer.

If you are interested in writing or shooting, we can provide an official photo ID from Drum Corps World, along with an assignment sheet spelling out details of the event (date, location, contact person). The circuit representative will receive the original copy of the assignment so they know who will be at the event to represent the magazine.

Send inquires to Steve Vickers, Publisher, at this e-mail address — or to




14th April 2016



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2016
DCUK is a member organisation of Marching & Performing Arts United Kingdom