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Plans progressing for Euro DC Championships 2018



Since the recent announcement by the Drum Corps Europe Foundation, advising they were ceasing operation, the previous DCE Partners from across Europe, UK (DCUK), Ireland (IMBA), Holland (Show sponsors - Jubal/Juliana) & Germany (Show sponsors - German Open/Rasteder Musiktage), have been in discussions regarding a European Drum Corps Championships in September 2018.  Most people would have also seen the announcement made by Rob van Koninghoven and Bert van Maaren regarding their proposed alternative association and their ideas and plans for the future.

We are extremely pleased to advise that it has been agreed that we will all work with Rob & Bert to produce a European Championships in 2018 on Saturday 29th September 2018. There are still a few things that need to be finalised but we anticipate a formal announcement regarding venue and registrations for the event to be made early in the New Year.

In addition to this, in January all the Partners will be meeting together in Amsterdam, with Rob & Bert and Judging personnel, to commence discussions and plans for the 2019 season and how we can all work closer together and also ensure the Corps have a voice in the future.

This is an exciting opportunity to create a democratic and sustainable Euro association where each Country can still have control over its own activity but also ensure that European Drum Corps can build and be stronger.

More updates coming soon!!

23rd December  2017



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2017
DCUK is a member organisation of Marching & Performing Arts United Kingdom