"Cinema" launched
Drum corps movie clips regularly appear on corps' sites and video services like
YouTube and Google Video and in the DCE website's new 'Cinema' section,
they are placing a list of the latest films
DCE Cinema features a list of recently online published drum corps movie clips. Most movies are playable directly from the Cinema page, some will play in a new window.
DCE staff members Mark Baden and David Baden will be the editors for the Cinema section. They will be searching for new drum corps related movies on the internet.
They would also like to call upon the help of drum corps fans who discover new films on the Internet. Any tips can be submitted via
there Cinema contact page.
The Cinema section is accessible though the menu link on
the |CE website, or directly through www.drumcorpseurope.org/cinema
and DCUK are pleased to be assisting with this promotion
by adding a permanent link on our homepage.
Website: Drum
Corps Europe