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DCUK 22 - Contest venues announced





Following the announcement of the DCUK contest dates for 2022 we are now pleased to advise the venue details as follows:

Sunday 17th July - Saffron Lane Athletics Stadium, Leicester
Sunday 4th September - Leicester Road Football Club, Hinckley

We have also considered the distance, size and cost of using Halton Stadium in Widnes for the British Drum Corps Championships and also taken into account the potential number of performing units and are therefore also pleased to advise that the 2022 DCUK Championships venue is:

Saturday 17th September - Butts Park Arena, Coventry

Since 2019 the Butts Park Arena has had an artificial pitch, which was one of our main requirements when considering any move from Widnes, to ensure our season end showcase event venue would not be adversely effected by bad weather.


Registration for DCUK 2022 will open on line on Tuesday 5th April and our class structure will remain as recent previous years and so for 2022 DCUK will be offering an Open Class and Junior Class. In addition, at Championships only - following Prelims, Corps may be split into an A Class and Open Class dependant on the number of Corps entered.

As usual - all DCUK season shows are open to any Corps that would like to take part - just get in touch for more details -

We are very conscious that many Corps are still rebuilding following the past 2 years and so we hope this reduced schedule for this summer gives time to help recover and prepare plus allow the opportunity to explore other performance opportunities to help in the rebuild process.

On the subject of "other performance opportunities" - DrumLine Battle will be back this summer and is open to any percussion group so why not get in touch and let us know if your group is interested - - we would love to hear from you.

31st March 2022



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2022
DCUK is a member organisation of Marching & Performing Arts United Kingdom