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Brits at DCI 2023



Over the years many British have made the trip across the Atlantic to be a performing member with a Drum Corps International Corps and 2023 is no exception.

This year 9 UK performers have made the journey for an experience of a life time with 7 different Corps. They are:

Emily Curnock: Blue Stars - Guard
Erin Edkins: Phantom Regiment - Guard
Lucy Emmerman: Blue Stars - Guard
Charlotte Hewlett: Troopers - Guard
Ella Jeffrey: Phantom Regiment - Guard
Jessica Jex: The Academy - Guard
Lauren Kent-Walton: Spartans - Guard
Alex Tucker: Blue Devils - Trumpet
Leo Winter-Alsop: Bluecoats - Euphonium

This coming week is the DCI World Championships and the UK activity wish these young people every success and also want to thank the Corps that have taken them under their wing on their transatlantic adventure.

We look forward seeing them realise their dreams on the field at the Championships events in Indianapolis, USA this week.


7th August 2023



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2023
DCUK is a member organisation of Marching & Performing Arts United Kingdom