Kidsgrove Scouts

95th Anniversary Concert


On the 23rd April, The Kidsgrove Scouts Drum & Bugle Corps celebrated their 95th year of existence with a concert at the Victoria Hall in Kidsgrove.

To a packed house, the Kidsgrove Scouts performed their 2005 show "The Conquest". The show was very well received by the large audience made up of past members, supporters and friends from the Drum Corps world. The personal nature of the performance allowed each member of the Corps to be personally introduced to the audience and thanked for their contribution. The live performance was also projected onto two large screens in the hall.

The performance of High Brass was exceptional and the group demonstrated that they have certainly been very busy over the Winter months. The audience was astounded by their version of "Riverdance" and of course loved the encore of "Malaguena" which was played by the Kidsgrove Scouts in 2003. The Corps sincerely thanks High Brass for their support in celebrating our anniversary.

Many thanks go to all the people who kindly supported the event. The evening saw many people from present DCUK corps, as well as many old faces from the Drum Corps community and many past members of the Kidsgrove Scouts.

The Kidsgrove Scouts now look forward to the 2005 season where many more great performances will take place.








© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004