Kidsgrove Scouts 95th Anniversar Celebrations

Sunday, 17 th April, at the scouts HQ, just over 300 members past and present members assembled, for the 95th anniversary celebration, the event started with a short parade led by the present corps, playing this years new street beat, and a few familliar old marching tunes by the brass.  It was also great to have our beautifull ladies in the guard on parade sporting their new from old pink T shirts specially printed by K, followed by Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Guides, Brownies, and Explorers.

After the parade the corps performed their 2005 show opening piece, the scouts showed their proficiency on the new climbing and absailing wall, the first supprise of the day was the return of one of our instruments!!! by a gentle man who played in the corps in 1950.  He brought his bugle back-- a little bit bashed, however, I am glad he had kept it as it would have been destroyed in the fire of 1960.

It was also great to have 15  past corps members from the championship band of 1970-72, boy did we exchange some old stories.  Tere were many displays around the hall  for all to see from early 1914 to present day. Midway through the afternoon everyone assembled in the hall for the more formal proceedings which started with that most English Song Jerusalem, which almost brought the house down, then followed introductions and welcomes, short displays by the  sections of the group,  a 10 minute AGM, financial report by the treasurer, then to some presentations - Scout Association long services awards  to Robert Swindells-Drum Corps co-ordinator, and to Paul Jobson-Assistant Cub Scout Leader, presented by the Scout Commissioner.

Then to the next suprise of the day, THIS IS YOUR LIFE JOHN SWINDELLS, oh god no, was my thought, you can't let the kids into my secrets, however, apart from telling the gathering about my bushmans thong, all went well, and my secrets were kept well wrapped. I was then honourd with the presentation of the Silver Acorn, presented by the Commissioner and my son Robert.  The Group then presented my wife Linda with a Rose tree and a flower arrangement, and last but not least a bouquet of flowers to Rita Finney our Group Secretary who had worked so hard in presenting and co-ordinating the event with our Treasurer Steve Johnson. I also wish to thank Alan Degg our Group chairman, who incidentaly was one of the 13 scouts in the 1967 band that started on the competition trail. Thanks also go out to all the leaders of the sections and their helpers for what was a wonderful Day and we now look forward to our centenary with great expectations --2010--- bring it on.  


John Swindells - Corps Director








© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004