This article is from the ProMark website news section


Drum Corps Goes Clubbing

The Staffordshire Knights Drum & Bugle Corps, a recent addition to the Pro-Mark family of endorsers, have been branching out into areas of percussion that the typical Drum and Bugle Corps normally does not get to see or experience.  Two of the drum line instructors, Rob Thys and Jon Howell, play a regular gig in a local night spot in Staffordshire, United Kingdom, as backup percussionists to the music played by a DJ. Using a variety of drums and percussion accessories, (and of course--Pro-Mark sticks!) Rob and Jon add to the entertainment and offer a different and unique flair to the setting. “Although we’re both from a drum corps background,” said Rob, “we’ve quickly got used to the indoor venue and the many different types of music, from Latin through dance to heavy metal, that we have to accompany!”  “Playing with amplification allows us more room to experiment,” added Jon, “and the different sounds we get using Pro-Mark products, especially Tubz and Rods, are really effective.









© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004