Southern Aurora's New Arrival!

Dynasty Pit Equipment Southern Aurora is pleased to announce that they have taken delivery of their new front line percussion equipment, this completes the transition to Dynasty instruments as Southern Aurora already march both Dynasty, Battery Percussion and Brass. Southern Aurora have taken delivery of, 2 Marimbas, 2 Vibraphones, 1 Xylophone and 1 Bell, a set of Timpani’s are to follow and it is planned to replace the Chimes next year. We are very proud of our long and continued association with Dynasty and would like to take this opportunity to thank Al Murray (Dynasty) and Jean Paul (Muremo) for their support and help in making it possible. The replacement of the pit equipment is another step forward in the rebuilding plan that has seen the re-emergence of a competitive outfit, possibly quicker than we may have imagined. Southern Aurora will return to Open class in 2006.








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