Drum Corps United Kingdom

Job Vacancies!


Interest is sought from anyone interested in working for DCUK at this year's Championships!  (Please don't stop reading at this point!)  The day is long but you will be working directly with the corps and with the ardent supporters of the drum corps activity - it can be fun!

Ideally the jobs would be suited better to those who are not involved in helping a corps on the day but do feel free to contact me if you can work after your corps has performed and you are wanting to help!

DCUK provides refreshments throughout the day - all you need to bring is warm clothes, comfortable shoes and waterproof jacket and trousers (optional!).

For anyone who hasn't worked finals day - it is hard work but it is also extremely rewarding - you learn a lot about DCUK, the people who run it and the difficulties (and fun) that goes on behind the scenes.  If you're concerned about not seeing your favourite corps then don't worry - as long as they have someone to cover their post most people who work disappear to watch their favourite corps - you could get a job where you watch all the corps!

If you are interested please contact me - sec@dcuk.org.uk - to discuss it further. 

Without volunteers finals can not happen - we need you to join the finals 'team' to help give 800+ marching members a day to remember.

Go on - give it a try!

Jill Boyington

DCUK Administrator








© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004