Executive Officers of Drum Corps United Kingdom (DCUK) and Drum Corps Europe (DCE) are delighted to announce that a new strategic partnership has been developed over the last three weekends.

The announcement follows the invitation that DCE Chairman Marcel Matthijsse and Officer Manager Marco Janssen extended to DCUK for three of its Board Members to attend their Championships Event in Rotterdam on 24th September.

DCUK Chairman Joe Fitzpatrick, together with Chairman elect Gavin Johnson and Deputy Chairman elect Alan Thompson were honoured to attend the event at Sparta Rotterdam’s stadium as guests of DCE. A full day of Drum Corps entertainment was followed by a meeting between the DCUK and DCE Officers on the morning following the Championships.

This meeting discussed a wide range of topics of mutual interest to DCUK and DCE and a strategic partnership between the two premier Drum Corps Organisations in Europe was agreed.

Commenting on the meeting Marco said, “It was a very good conversation about the future of drum corps in the UK and on mainland Europe as well. I’m sure we will be able to develop the drum corps activity throughout Europe further”.

Gavin explained, “Alan and myself are looking forward to continuing with you the good work which you and Joe have started, and working together in the future to develop the drum corps activity to mutual benefit throughout Europe”.

That weekend’s events were followed by an extremely pleasant last minute visit by Marco, together with DCE Chief Judge Adriaan de Kruiff to DCUK’s Championships in Mansfield on October 1st.

DCUK were delighted to return the hospitality they had experienced the previous week and Marco and Adriaan spent an enjoyable day in the VIP section of the Mansfield stadium.

Following the Championships Marco and Adriaan compared notes with members of the DCUK Judges Association and met the next morning for further discussion with Gavin and Alan before flying back to Holland.

Drum Corps Europe and Drum Corps United Kingdom are delighted that both organisations have had the opportunity to meet each other, experience their host’s respective Championships events and discuss ways in which to develop the strategic partnership over the years to come. Areas, including judging systems, organisation of drum corps events, and co-operation between the DCUK and DCE judging panels, were discussed in an open way. Commitment was made to arrange further meetings between the Chairman of the DCUK and DCE Judges Associations to explore these areas further.

Both organisations look forward to forging a close and long lasting friendship based around a mutual respect and a love of Drum Corps.

12th October 2005









© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004