DCUK AGM 2005 Headlines

The 2005 DCUK Annual General Meeting was held in Stafford on Sunday 4th December was well attended by representatives of Corps, Guards and the Judging community.

  • After 5 years at the helm, Joe Fitzpatrick stood down as Chairman of DCUK and thanks were recorded for all his work and also congratulations on his appointment as one of only four Vice Presidents of the organisation.
  • Annual Reports were presented by the Treasurer and Chairman and the 2004 Audited Accounts were approved.
  • As a result of Joes "retirement", Gavin Johnson was unanimously elected the new Chairman of DCUK with Alan Thompson being elected as the Deputy Chairman.
  • Nigel Brown was re-elected at Treasurer whilst Steve Muzio, Rob Swindells, Roger Steele and Chris Jones were all elected as Trustees to stand for a two year period. Details of the full DCUK Board can be found in 'Who's Who'.

The afternoon session was dedicated to looking at the initial results of the DCUK Task Force and a number of the exciting initiatives were discussed ready for presentation to the DCUK Board in January.














© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004