Registered Charity 328541


Saturday 29th April 2006

The DCUK Board of Trustees recently accepted a recommendation from the 2005 Task Force for an annual meeting of all Corps Directors.  The first of these sessions will be held at Park House, Glenfield, Leicester on Saturday 29th April 2006 running from 10.00 am to 3.30 pm.  Travel directions to follow.

The aim of the session is to offer Corps Directors the opportunity to meet together for discussions and exchanges of ideas on widespread topics across the whole activity thus achieving a better overall understanding and a stronger and closer relationship between corps.  It is important that as many Corps Directors as possible attend and that they bring an open attitude and a willingness to share experiences, ideas and innovations for the overall benefit of drum corps in the United Kingdom. Each Corps Director may bring one guest with them if they wish – it is suggested that this might be a member of their management committee, treasurer, fundraiser, etc.  These sessions are not intended for instructional staff unless they have a specific interest in the administration and development of the corps.

There will be no “lectures” at this first session (although we could arrange “outside” speakers later if we wish).  The topics for each session (4 sessions @ one hour each ?) are open to suggestion.  It is also an opportunity to meet and talk with our new Chairman and Deputy Chairman.  If anyone would like to bring along materials to aid the discussions topics below please do so.  If these are on video or dvd, please also bring a means of playing them.

The following is a list of topics that could be included (obviously not all of ‘em on the first day!)

  • Structure of corps, administration, governance
  • Charitable status and constitution
  • Child protection and CRB checks
  • Recruitment and retention
  • Fundraising
  • Staff recruitment and training
  • Support roles and parents associations
  • Non-competitive performance opportunities
  • Members training (BFYMBO)
  • Public Relations
  • Thinking “outside the box”

I need responses from Corps Directors asap firstly to say if you will be attending and if you will be bringing a guest and secondly to suggest starting points for the discussion sessions.  We MUST know numbers attending as catering will be provided.

This is an opportunity that many have been requesting for some time.  Please try to support the day if you possibly can.

Any suggestions, ideas or comments to me asap at

Roger C Steele








© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004