Kidsgrove Scouts Strengthen Partnership with Dynasty in 2006
The Kidsgrove Scouts are proud to announce a strengthening of their partnership with Dynasty for the 2006 season which includes a new marching brass line. Over the weekend the Scouts took delivery of new Bb trumpets, baritones, tuba’s and F mellophones. The drumline will also enjoy a Brand new set of percussion instruments for 2006.
The deal has been warmly received by all members of the group and continues the strong and productive association Kidsgrove Scouts already have with Dynasty. Terence Smith, brass caption head and arranger for the Kidsgrove Scouts said, “We are delighted with the arrival of our new Dynasty brass instruments, the quality of the instruments is far superior to anything we have ever played on before. This will help ensure the 2006 hornline reaches new heights this season”.
Corps Director John Swindells said “We are very pleased with our new horns, Over the past few seasons we have developed a good relationship and friendship with representatives of Dynasty, long may it continue”.

To join or for more information on the information on the Kidsgrove Scouts brass programme email hornline@kidsgrovescouts.org
To visit a rehearsal or for more information on the Kidsgrove Scouts email Rob Swindells at coordinator@kidsgrovescouts.org or visit http://www.kidsgrovescouts.org/ContactList.htm