Open Age Corps in the UK

Over the last year the drum corps activity has been faced with the issue of Open Age Corps in the UK.

It is fair to say that at times during the last year emotions have run high in respect of this subject. I believe that this has been due to the organisations concerned defending what they believe is their right to act in accordance with their member’s wishes and their governing principles.

However, I am delighted to announce that following discussions between DCUK, BYBA and Northern Star, an Agreement has been formulated that will provide a blue-print for the way forward in terms of relations between the youth organisations of DCUK and BYBA and the Open Age activity in the UK.

The Agreement sets out a framework of co-operation between Open Age Corps and the UK youth activity. It is envisaged that the Agreement will be published on the DCUK website in the near future.

As a result of this Agreement DCUK and BYBA are in the process of concluding arrangements regarding a joint venture with the organiser of the Glassmen exhibition that is planned for July 2nd.

Both DCUK and BYBA would like to make it clear that at no time did either organisation withdraw from the event, although it is true that negotiations did stall due to the issue addressed above.

Further news regarding the show will follow in due course.

Gavin Johnson
DCUK Chairman







© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004