First Set
of DCUK Archive DVD's Released

We are delighted to announce the release, for the first time, of DVD's from DCUK's history of Finals. The years 1984 to 1988 are now available to purchase from the website, with later years to follow in the
future. The price of DVD's for all years will be set at £20.00 with all proceeds being used to transfer later years onto DVD. This is an exciting project for DCUK, which
we hope will see all Finals performances available on DVD by the end of the 2006 season, which means that the history and memories of DCUK are better preserved for the enjoyment of past, present and future members for years to come.
Please note that copyright of the DVD's belong to DCUK. The Board of DCUK is aware that the copying of DVD's is made possible using pc software. However, this action will only serve to deprive DCUK of funds, which will threaten the ability to produce other years on DVD. Please don't do it!
here for the DCUK Merchandising page