Drum Corps World newspaper
seeks DCUK writers

by Steve Vickers, DCW Publisher

The United States-based tabloid newspaper Drum Corps World is looking for one or two individuals to submit articles on Drum Corps United Kingdom competitions this season.  No formal journalism experience is required, just an ability to provide some positive reviews of the participating corps in each event.  I am looking for an "overview" of the corps' performances and perhaps some quotes from members, staff and directors.

DCW has been covering the drum and bugle corps movement in the U.K. since the mid-1970s with show reports, photography, interviews and occasional feature articles, but I would really like to provide a more comprehensive range of material in the future.  Over the years, our coverage has been spotty at best and I would like to change that by establishing a consistent flow of information.  This situation is not because of my lack of interest in providing our worldwide readership with news from the United Kingdom.  

My first contacts in England were with Glen Carter from the Basildon Blue Eagles and Selwyn Bottomley from the Anchormen in 1973 and 1974 -- 30 years ago!  I attended the British Marching Band Championships at Wembley Arena in 1980 and DCUK Finals eight times in the last 23 years and plan to attend more in the future.

If you are interested in pursuing this possibility, please contact me via e-mail at: publisher@drumcorpsworld.com.  

Visit www.drumcorpsworld.com for a gallery of DCUK and BYBA photography and news of the drum and bugle corps activity in the United States, Canada, South Africa, Europe and Southeast Asia.  Visitors to the DCUK site are encouraged to subscribe to Drum Corps World for 18 issues per year.


© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004