Contest Schedule
Knowledge Bank of Personnel
If you feel you have a skill (or skills) that you can offer to new or established Drum Corps or Winterguards then please let us know as, following a suggestion made by the recent DCUK Task Force, we will shortly be creating a new "login only" section of this website accessible only by member organisations of DCUK and WGUK which will include a Knowledge Bank of Personnel that can be called upon to offer advice.

We are not only looking for people with the "normal" Drum Corps / Winterguard skills (i.e. musical or show design) but also management, fund raising, administration etc.

Sending us your information below does not commit you to anything at this stage as you will be contacted in person and the Knowledge Bank scheme will be explained in more detail and this will also give you the chance to ask questions.
DCUK/WGUK Contact Form
Please fill out the Contact Form below, as completely as possible, to advise of your interest in this scheme and you will be contacted as soon as possible.

Organisation / Corps / Guard / Company  
Address 1  
Address 2  
Post Code  
Skill - you can select more than one by using the Ctrl key  
Anything you wish to add  



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004