Field Brass
Field Percussion
Ensemble Music
Field Visual
Colour Guard
Ensemble Visual
Music Effect
Visual Effect
Timing & Penalties
JUDGE Paul Morgan
Neil Cuddeford
Erik de Vries
Jeremy Beesley
Mark Nicholson
Ivan Balchin
Douglas Caldwell
Paul Cartwright
Glenn Riley
Ann & John Legon
Travel Information
The home of Northwich Victoria Football Club and Manchester United Reserves is located on a 9-acre site situated on the Wincham Business Park two miles northeast from the centre of Northwich. The Trent and Mersey Canal forms the Stadium western and southern boundary.
From the M6 Motorway.
Leave motorway at Junction19. Take the A556 towards Northwich. Passing through two sets of traffic lights and the Smoker Public House on your left hand side. Continue on the A556 for a further quarter mile then immediately prior to the start of a dual carriage way turn right onto the A559 sign posted Northwich. After a further three quarters of mile at traffic lights turn right. Continue for one mile on the A559 then at the cross roads by the Black Greyhound Public House turn left into Wincham Lane. By Lookers Renault Car Show Room turn left into Wincham Avenue and proceed to the roundabout, which is almost at the end of the Avenue. Marston’s Arena entrance is on the right hand side just beyond the roundabout.
From the M56 Motorway.
Leave motorway at Junction 10. Take the A559 towards Northwich for 6miles. At the cross roads by the Black Greyhound Public House turn right into Wincham Lane. By Lookers Renault Car Show Room turn left into Wincham Avenue and proceed to the roundabout, which is almost at the end of the Avenue. Marston’s Arena entrance is on the right hand side just beyond the roundabout.
Please note: The Stadium is clearly signposted - VICTORIA STADIUM
not Marston's Arena