DCUK Celebrates 25 Years of Drum Corps!

DCUK Needs YOUR Designs!

As you are all aware DCUK is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2004. As part of the celebrations to commemorate this occasion the DCUK Board of Trustees have agreed to produce t-shirts and 'hoodies' with a 25th anniversary logo.

The official logo above is used on the website and in all official publications but the DCUK Board of Trustees would like to receive designs from the DCUK members of logos members would like to see being worn on clothing.

Designs are therefore being sought for use on t-shirts and 'hoodies' and need to be sent via e-mail to the DCUK Office no later than Friday, 6th February when one design will be chosen. The Board of Trustees are looking for something 'different' and has 'impact' which will appeal to all drum corps followers and which will mark this very special year. One colour designs would be preferable.

It is hoped that the clothing will be available for sale at winterguard finals on 27th March and will also be available via the DCUK website, at DCUK shows and at the World Marching Band Championships in Bournemouth.

All designs or queries should be sent to Jill Boyington at the DCUK Office



© Drum Corps United Kingdom 2004