Announcement by DCUK Judges Coordinator

Following the recent announcement, the new DCUK Judges Coordinator, Jason Oates, has asked for the following statement to be posted:


As you may all be aware I am now the coordinator for judging on behalf of DCUK for the 2007 season. There are many exciting changes happening within our activity of which Judging is one of them.

At present I am compiling a list of potential people who are interested in judging or maybe just inquisitive at this point and want to see what judging is all about. At present 12 people have shown an interest of which some are established judges over the past few years, some new and some from overseas who want to judge in this country one of which is DCI accredited and is actively judging at present.

I am committed to provide a good judging service to all competing units at all levels. A lot of people show a huge amount of passion for this activity whether it be Performer, Teacher, Parent or Supporter. Judging is always a hot topic when discussions take place and a lot of the time it is negative points of view that come across - I want to try and change this so being a judge is something people want to do when they hang up their Marching Shoes or have come to the end of their teaching career. YOU are the people we need for this great activity and you can make a difference.

Some things I will be putting in place are training events for prospective judges, meetings for Judges and Staff to get together to discuss changes etc. Putting in place a Accreditation Panel of well respected knowledgeable people in their field (i.e. brass, visual etc) of which 2 Accreditation Panels are now in place and 4 people have agreed to be part of a panel for Colour Guard and Visual.

As I have said I am committed to provide a good judging service but for this to happen we need to recruit judges not just for now but for future years. If you want to be part of this please contact by email and leave your contact details and I will get back to you or you can speak to me at any WGUK competition.

As developments take place I will keep you all informed as it is important good communication is kept. I look forward to hopefully speaking to anyone who is interested.

Jason Oates.



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